Your search for "regulations" matched 114 page(s).
Showing results 111 to 114.
Informed consent forms (ICFs) are documents used in clinical research to inform prospective participants about – and obtain their consent for – partaking in a clinical trial. Evidence suggests that ICFs may not be fit for purpose because their…
Historically, hard skills – such as technical, digital, or life sciences qualifications – have been seen as more valuable than soft skills in successful medical writing. However, hiring managers now recognise soft skills as one of the top…
Introducing a new EMWA Special Interest Group: Communicating with the Public Contributors: Sampoorna Rappaz (author), Lisa Chamberlain James (section editor) The Communicating with the Public Special Interest Group (CwP SIG) held its first Meet…
Section Editor: Kimi Uegaki Breaking barriers in sustainable development in East Africa: How Lightup Impact is leveraging communications to shift the power to the right actors Authors: Nicole Bezuidenhout, Valeria Santoro, Jeniffer Muganda …
Medical Writing is a quarterly publication that aims to educate and inform medical writers in Europe and beyond. Each issue focuses on a specific theme, and all issues include feature articles and regular columns on topics relevant to the practice of medical writing. We welcome articles providing practical advice to medical writers; guidelines and reviews/summaries/updates of guidelines published elsewhere; original research; opinion pieces; interviews; and review articles.
Medical Writing is listed in the following indexes:
Managing Editor
Victoria White
Deputy Managing Editor
Alicia Brooks Waltman
Associate Editors
Section Editors
Digital Communication
Gained in Translation
Getting Your Foot in the Door
Good Writing Practice
Pablo Izquierdo / Alison McIntosh
In the Bookstores
Medical Communications/Writing for Patients
Medical Devices
My First Medical Writing
News from the EMA
Regulatory Matters
Regulatory Public Disclosure
Louisa Ludwig-Begall / Sarah Kabani
The Crofter: Sustainable Communications
Veterinary Writing
Editors Emeritus
Layout Designer
Chris Monk