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Decentralised clinical trials (DCT) use technology, processes, and services to reduce or eliminate the need for onsite visits. Use of DCT components within clinical trials is becoming widespread and protocols are pivoting from using DCT components…
Copyediting is crucial for enhancing the quality and credibility of medical manuscripts in Pakistan. Although English is an official language used in government and education, many researchers are not native speakers, leading to linguistic inaccuraci…
Abstract Human medicine has recently seen a move away from the paternalistic patient-physician paradigm course to a collaborative one, where “shared decision-making” is a core principle. No longer a passive bystander, where their case management is…
Editorial Sam Hamilton (author and section editor) Medical Writing. 2023;32(3):91–95. Clinical Data Publication (Policy 0070) relaunch Alison McIntosh (author) In preparation for the relaunch of EMA Clinical…
Journal Policies Editorial policies and peer review process All feature articles submitted to Medical Writing are reviewed by a member of the Editorial Board. All Editorial Board members are experts in the field of medical writing and members…
Medical Writing is a quarterly publication that aims to educate and inform medical writers in Europe and beyond. Each issue focuses on a specific theme, and all issues include feature articles and regular columns on topics relevant to the practice of medical writing. We welcome articles providing practical advice to medical writers; guidelines and reviews/summaries/updates of guidelines published elsewhere; original research; opinion pieces; interviews; and review articles.
Medical Writing is listed in the following indexes:
Managing Editor
Victoria White
Deputy Managing Editor
Alicia Brooks Waltman
Associate Editors
Section Editors
Digital Communication
Gained in Translation
Getting Your Foot in the Door
Good Writing Practice
Pablo Izquierdo / Alison McIntosh
In the Bookstores
Medical Communications/Writing for Patients
Medical Devices
My First Medical Writing
News from the EMA
Regulatory Matters
Regulatory Public Disclosure
Louisa Ludwig-Begall / Sarah Kabani
The Crofter: Sustainable Communications
Veterinary Writing
Editors Emeritus
Layout Designer
Chris Monk