Medical Writing Search


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Showing results 81 to 90.

Anonymisation reports from 2016 to 2017: A preliminary analysis - Volume 27, Issue

The anonymisation report (AR) is a new and  relatively unknown regulatory document,  submitted as part of the redacted package of  a marketing authorisation application under  the EMA Policy 0070. The report documents  the methodology of…

Risk management plans in the EU: Managing safety concerns - Volume 29, Issue

The preparation of pharmacovigilance documents is related to ongoing activities during the life cycle of a medicinal product and encompasses crucial processes beyond writing: strategic planning and inter disciplinary work in the context of…

New EU medical device regulations: Impact on the MedTech sector - Volume 26, Issue

Abstract Regulation plays a fundamental role in the translation of innovative medical devices from concept to clinical application and ensures that only devices that exhibit the highest standards of safety and quality are released onto the EU Single…

A picture is worth a thousand words - Volume 29, Issue

As modern medical writers, we face a changing communication landscape greatly altered by the arrival of the internet and the rise of social media. This article provides insights on how to keep pace and what options you have to make your…

Responding to concerns over the PSMF: Inspectors offer key insights - Volume 23, Issue

The pharmacovigilance system master file (PSMF) is a detailed description of the pharmacovigilance system used by the marketing authorisation holder for their authorised medicinal products. The PSMF is intended to be a live, custom-made document…

Pharmacovigilance - Volume 31, Issue

The Regulatory Expert Seminar session at the 2021 Spring EMWA Conference took us on an amazing journey through marketing authorisation applications from a regulator’s and medical writer’s perspective. One of the presentations focussed on the…

Awareness of medical writing as a profession and its career prospects - Volume 27, Issue

As medical writing (MW) is a growing profession in India, we assessed the awareness among professional medical writers (PMWs) about their job and career prospects. We conducted an anonymous survey among PMWs (N=192) working in a global…

The 360° approach to authoring risk management plans - Volume 28, Issue

Amidst the dynamic landscape of pharma - covigilance legislation, medical writers have been gaining increased visibility and importance beyond what had been their traditional role of coordinating and facil it - ating the development of risk…

Good Writing Practice - Volume 30, Issue

Introduction In this regular feature, the misagreement in tense is extended from present and present perfect tense (discussed in the previous edition of MEW) to an analysis of the frequently used present participle (of the participial phrase) and…

The role of translators: Adaptation of mental health tests beyond clinical research - Volume 33, Issue

This article explores the role of translation and translators within the process of test adaptation. With similarities to the linguistic validation process in clinical research, test adaptation is a complex multistep and iterative process in which…



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Medical Writing is a quarterly publication that aims to educate and inform medical writers in Europe and beyond. Each issue focuses on a specific theme, and all issues include feature articles and regular columns on topics relevant to the practice of medical writing. We welcome articles providing practical advice to medical writers; guidelines and reviews/summaries/updates of guidelines published elsewhere; original research; opinion pieces; interviews; and review articles.

Medical Writing is listed in the following indexes:

Editoral Board


Raquel Billiones


Evguenia Alechine

Jonathan Pitt

Managing Editor

Victoria White

Deputy Managing Editor

Alicia Brooks Waltman

Associate Editors

Anuradha Alahari

Jennifer Bell

Nicole Bezuidenhout

Claire Chang

Barbara Grossman

Sarah Milner

John Plant

Sampoorna Rappaz

Amy Whereat

Section Editors

Daniela Kamir


Jennifer Bell


Nicole Bezuidenhout 

Digital Communication

Somsuvro Basu

EMWA News 

Adriana Rocha


Ana Sofia Correia 

Gained in Translation

Ivana Turek

Getting Your Foot in the Door

Wendy Kingdom / Amy Whereat

Good Writing Practice

Pablo Izquierdo / Alison McIntosh 

In the Bookstores

Maria Kołtowska-Häggström

Lingua Franca and Beyond

Maddy Dyer


Lisa Chamberlain-James

Medical Communications/Writing for Patients

Payal Bhatia

Medical Devices

Evguenia Alechine

My First Medical Writing

Anuradha Alahari

News from the EMA

Tiziana von Bruchhausen


Clare ChangZuo Yen Lee 

Regulatory Matters

Sam Hamilton

Regulatory Public Disclosure

Louisa Ludwig-Begall / Sarah Kabani

The Crofter: Sustainable Communications

Jeff Blair / Luiza Ventura

Veterinary Writing

Editors Emeritus

Elise Langdon-Neuner

Phil Leventhal

Layout Designer

Chris Monk