Medical Writing Artificial intelligence and Digital Health Blockchain in healthcare, research, and scientific publishing

Volume 28, Issue 4 - Artificial intelligence and Digital Health

Blockchain in healthcare, research, and scientific publishing


Data are being transmitted and stored on cloud-based networks, including clinical, research, and publishing data. These cloudbased systems often lack comprehensiveness, accessibility, interoperability, confidentiality,
accountability, and flexibility, which can cause delays for medical treatments, slowed research projects, and general inefficiencies. The advent of blockchain-based technologies provides a reliable solution to ensure that data storage and access are standardised and transparent, independent of a trusted third party. It is not a new stand-alone system, but a layer of trust between the data and users that can integrate with other emerging tech - nologies and optimise their impact. It is rapidly advancing in financial and supply chain industries and now being explored successfully in many applications across the healthcare industry. When applied in medical publishing, blockchain may serve to remedy data sharing and intellectual property issues that often confront medical writers, though implementing this new technology will have some hurdles. In this article, we highlight some selected blockchain-related projects relevant to medical writers.

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Table of Contents
Artificial intelligence and digital health
President's Message
Medical writing in the era of artificial intelligence
Blockchain in healthcare, research, and scientific publishing
Embracing a new friendship: Artificial intelligence and medical writers
Drug development and medical writing in the digital world
Intelligent use of artificial intelligence for systematic reviews of medical devices
What medical writers need to know about regulatory approval of mobile health and digital healthcare devices
Digitalisation in long-term care: An issue for medical writers?
An introduction to medical affairs for medical writers
A primer on anonymisation
Sound, microphone, action: Podcasts for medical writers
Regulatory Matters
News from the EMA
Lingua Franca and Beyond
In the Bookstores
Getting Your Foot in the Door
Medical Devices
Veterinary Medical Writing
Teaching Medical Writing
Journal Watch
Medical Communications and Writing for Patients
Good Writing Practice
Out on Our Own
Upcoming issues of Medical Writing


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