Medical Writing Generics and biosimilars Biosimilar development – an overview

Volume 28, Issue 2 - Generics and biosimilars

Biosimilar development – an overview


Biosimilars are biological drugs that are similar to, and cheaper than other biological drugs (called “reference originator biologics”) that are already in use. They share an identical amino-acid sequence but, given the inherent variability of biological molecules, not full “sameness”. Biosimilar registration follows a strictly regulated pathway based on a totality-of-evidence approach. This article critically discusses the particulars of biosimilar development, including the continuous development of regulatory guidelines, familiarises readers with biosimilar-specific terminology, addresses the typical challenges of writing biosimilar dossiers, and summarises future directions in biosimilar development in the context of a changing competitive landscape. After reading this article, medical writers with different backgrounds, including those previously unfamiliar with key aspects of biosimilar development, should be able to better understand and apply these guidelines in their daily biosimilar work.

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James Visanji Tribute
President’s Message
Regulatory pathways for development and submission activities
Biosimilar development – an overview
Statistical principles in biosimilar development
Writing biosimilar clinical study reports and submission documents – what to expect and what to consider
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Same but different: Basic tools for biosimilar and generic pharmacovigilance writing
Layperson materials in the sphere of biosimilars and generic medicines
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