Medical Writing Patient-reported outcomes Protecting the rights of clinical trial patients through disclosure: The significance of plain language

Volume 27, Issue 4 - Patient-reported outcomes

Protecting the rights of clinical trial patients through disclosure: The significance of plain language


Taking a step back to understand the history of clinical trial regulation triggers a broader perspective on the work we do or the work we will do. As regulatory medical writers, our role is often limited to the more technical
submission-level component of either a trial design or a trial outcome. With the advent of plain language summaries (also known as patient lay summaries), we have a unique opportunity to inform the clinical trial patient population directly, and in turn the wider public audience.

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  7. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. What is health literacy? Available from: Available from:
  8. Goldstein T. The plain-language movement is gaining. The New York Times. 21 August 1977. Available from: http://
  9. US National Library of Medicine. History, policies, and laws. Available from: Available from: https://clinicaltrials gov/ct2/about-site/history.
  10. Sundin M. Plain English and Swedish klarsprak, a comparison between plain language movements, style guides and practice. Available from: Available from: uploads/2013/01/plain_english.pdf).
  11. The Center for Information and Study on Clinical Research Participation (CISCRP). Public and patient perceptions and insights study. 2017. Available from: Available from: public-and-patient-perceptionsinsights- study/.
  12. Fight the fog. European Commission. How to write clearly. Available from: Available from: eu/fight_the_fog_en.pdf.
  13. National Center for Health Marketing. Plain language thesaurus for health communications. Draft Version 3; October 2007. Available from: Available from: Works/MessageMappingGuide/resources/ CDC%20Plain%20Language%20 Thesaurus%20for%20Health%20 Communication.pdf
  14. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Everyday words for public health communication. Available from: Available from: everydaywords-060216-final.pdf.
  15. Quick guide to health literacy. US Department of Health and Human Services. Available from: Available from: literacy/quickguide/factsbasic.htm.



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