Medical Writing Plain Language and Readability Lingua Franca and Beyond

Volume 24, Issue 1 - Plain Language and Readability

Lingua Franca and Beyond


Writing is something that I have always loved. Actually, as a teenager I would have studied literature, but I changed my mind at the last year at school. I became a paediatrician instead for a few years but then little by little, my career turned towards writing, precisely medical writing. However, I am not a native English speaker – I am Polish. My mother tongue does not even belong to the Germanic languages, and my language roots are completely different. This difference and my overall background made me think that I would never be able to write medical papers in English. Then life started to create a different scenario: I discovered EMWA, a bunch of open and friendly people. Laura Collada, who is EMWA's Public Relations Officer, convinced me to start as administrator of the EMWA discussion group on LinkedIn, and Phillip Leventhal, the Editor-in-Chief of Medical Writing, encouraged me to become editor of a new section for medical writers like me, who either write in English as a second language or who write in languages other than English.

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Plain language and readability
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Time to make it shorter: Plain English in our context
How CDC is promoting a clear communication culture
Making leaflets clearer for patients
Online plain English and readability resources
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Profile: An interview with Art Gertel on the Budapest Working Group
News from the EMA
The Webscout
In the Bookstores
English Grammar and Style Revising medical writing Reasons not rules: Backtracking, pronoun-induced Part 2 – Single syntactic unit revision
Regulatory Writing Briefing documents: A case apart
Medical Communications
Lingua Franca and Beyond
Out on Our Own


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