Medical Writing Regulatory Writing Basics Origin and development of English for Medical Purposes. Part II: Research on spoken medical English

Volume 23, Issue 2 - Regulatory Writing Basics

Origin and development of English for Medical Purposes. Part II: Research on spoken medical English


In the second part of the review on ‘English for Medical Purposes’, I present the main results of the research conducted on spoken interaction in medical settings. I start with those EMP studies that have a clear pedagogical goal, followed by EMP research that consists in the linguistic analysis of medical conference presentations. The third category of EMP studies discussed is of a sociolinguistic nature and consists in the literature on healthcare (doctor/patient) communication.

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  1. Salager-Meyer F. Origin and development of English for Medical Purposes. Part I: Research on written medical discourse. Medical Writing 2014;23(1):46–48.
  2. Maclean J, Santos Betancourt Z, Hunter A. The evolution of an ESP programme in Cuba. English for Specific Purposes 2000;19:17–30.
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  4. Shi L, Corcos R, Storey A. Using student performance data to develop an English course for clinical training. English for Specific Purposes 2001;20:267–91. DOI:
  5. Basturkmen H. Developing courses in English for specific purposes 2010. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
  6. Hussin V. An ESP program for students of nursing. In: Orr T, editor. English for specific purposes. Alexandria, VA: TESOL; 2004. p. 25–40.
  7. Dubois BL. The use of slides in biomedical speeches. ESP Journal 1980;1:45–50.
  8. Dubois BL. Popularization at the highest level: Poster sessions at biomedical meetings. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 1985;56:67–84. DOI:10.1515/ijsl.1985.56.67.
  9. Dubois BL. Something on the order of around forty to forty four: imprecise numerical expressions in biomedical slide talks. Language and Society 1987;16:527–41. DOI:
  10. Webber P. The paper is now open for discussion. In: Ventola E, Thompson S, editors. The language of conferencing. Frankfurt: Peter Lang; 2002. p. 227–54.
  11. Webber P. Interactive features in medical conference monologues. English for Specific Purposes 2005;24:157–81.
  12. Carter-Thomas S, Rowley-Jolivet E. If-conditionals in medical discourse. From theory to disciplinary practice. Journal of English for Academic Purposes 2008;7:191–205.
  13. West C. Routine complications: troubles with talks between doctors and patients. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press; 1984.
  14. Ainsworth-Vaugh N. The discourse of medical encounters. In: Schiffrin D, Tannen D, Hamilton H editors. The handbook of discourse analysis. Oxford: Blackwell; 2001. p. 453–69. DOI: 10.1002/9780470753460.ch24.
  15. Ibrahim Y. Doctor and patient questions as a measure of doctor-centredness in UAE hospitals. English for Specific Purposes 2001;20(4):331–44. DOI:
  16. Mishler E. The discourse of medicine: dialectics of medical interviews. Norwood, NJ: Ablex; 1984.
  17. Hunter K. Doctor's stories: the narrative structure of medical knowledge. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1991.
  18. Fleischman S. Language and medicine. In: Schiffrin D, Tannen D, Hamilton H, editors. The handbook of discourse analysis. Oxford: Blackwell; 2001. p. 70–502. DOI: 10.1002/9780470753460.ch25.
  19. Berkenkotter C. Patients tales: case histories and the use of narrative in psychiatry. South Carolina, USA: The University of South Carolina Press; 2008.
  20. Allan K, Burridge K. Euphemism and dysphemism: language used as a Shield and Weapon. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 1991.
  21. Tsai MH. Managing topics of birth and death in doctor-patient communication. Journal of Pragmatics 2010;42:1350–63.
  22. Gotti M, Salager-Meyer F. Advances in medical discourse analysis: oral and written contexts. Bern: Peter Lang; 2006.



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