Medical Writing Software for Medical Writers Origin and development of English for Medical Purposes. Part I: Research on written medical discourse

Volume 23, Issue 1 - Software for Medical Writers

Origin and development of English for Medical Purposes. Part I: Research on written medical discourse


In this two-part review, I present the birth and growth of ‘English for Medical Purposes’, a branch of applied linguistics. This first part summarises the research conducted on English-medium written medical discourse, from early register analysis in the mid-1980s that had a clear pedagogical aim (i.e. teaching reading English-language medical discourse to non-Anglophone medical students and health professionals) to more sophisticated genre and rhetorical studies later on.

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  19. Salager-Meyer F, Alcaraz Ariza MA, Luzardo Briceño M. The medical narrative from a diachronic perspective (1840–2009): titling practices and authorship. In: Gotti M, Sancho Guinda C. edtors Narratives in academic and professional genres. Bern: Peter Lang; 2012. p. 293–319.
  20. Salager-Meyer F, Alcaraz Ariza MA, Berbesí M. Collegiality, critique and the construction of scientific argumentation in medical book reviews: a diachronic approach. Journal of Pragmatics 2007;39:1758–74.
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  24. Salager-Meyer F, Alcaraz Ariza MA, Pabón Berbesí M. Backstage solidarity in Spanish- and English-written medical research papers: publication context and the acknowledgment paratext. J Am Soc Inform Sci Technol 2009;60(2):307–317.
  25. Salager-Meyer F. Hedges and textual communicative function in medical English written discourse. English Specific Purposes 1994;13:149–170.
  26. Ferguson G. If you pop over there. A corpus-based study of conditionals in medical discourse. English Specific Purposes 2001;20:61–82.
  27. Salager-Meyer F, Alcaraz Ariza MA, Zambrano N. The scimitar, the dagger and the glove: intercultural differences in the rhetoric of criticism in Spanish, French and English medical discourse (1930–1995). English Specific Purposes 2003;22:223–47.
  28. Salager-Meyer F, Alcaraz Ariza MA, Pabón Berbesí M. Expert knowledge holders vs. factual reporters: critical voices in written medical genres. In: Salager-Meyer F, Lewin B. editors Crossed words: criticism in scholarly writing. Bern: Peter Lang; 2011. p. 173–202.



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Out On Our Own


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