Medical Writing The Data Economy Digital identifiers in scientific publishing and e-health

Volume 29, Issue 2 - The Data Economy

Digital identifiers in scientific publishing and e-health


With the growth of information technology over the past decade, digital identifiers have been introduced for the unique and stable identification of digital objects in cyberspace. Digital identifiers have applications in many contexts, including scientific publications. In addition to describing their use for scientific publications, this article presents an additional potential application in the field of electronic health and invites experts and researchers to investigate it further.

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The data economy: A glossary
Presidents' Messages
EMWA’s newest special interest group: Sustainability SIG
Rush to publication – What do we have to lose?
The value of registry data in the clinical evaluation of medical devices
Big data in clinical research: Present and future
Leveraging standardised data in response to the novel coronavirus outbreak
Biostatistics, data management, and medical writing: A multidisciplinary approach to the development of the CTD integrated summaries
The new value of clinical data in Europe
Unlocking the potential of patient data through responsible sharing – has anyone seen my keys?
COVID-19 contagion, information, and misinformation
"Processing health-related data for scientific research: Is consent an appropriate legitimate ground?"
An interview with Cathal Gallagher of EMA’s Technical Anonymisation Group
A role for medical writers in overcoming commonly held misconceptions around FAIR Data
MyData: Applying human-centric principles to health data
Thriving in the data economy as data-fluent PhD graduates
Digital identifiers in scientific publishing and e-health
Winners of the Geoff Hall Scholarship Essay Competition
News from the EMA
Regulatory Matters
Regulatory Public Disclosure
Medical Devices
Getting your Foot in the Door
Journal Watch
Veterinary Medical Writing
Good Writing Practice
Out on Our Own


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