Medical Writing Visual Communications The evolution of the scientific poster: From eye-sore to eye-catcher

Volume 29, Issue 1 - Visual Communications

The evolution of the scientific poster: From eye-sore to eye-catcher


Despite the rise of social media, high-speed internet, and teleconference software, conferences seem to be here to stay. But what is their purpose? Networking. So why then do we design conference posters in a way that makes people run away from us? In this article you will learn why a scientific poster should be an eye-catcher and a conversation starter and how to design effective posters with the reader in mind. A poster should be a visual abstract of your research, not a wall-of-text. Beyond the conference, graphical abstracts can be effective tools for broadening the reach of research and are becoming more commonplace in scientific publishing. When it comes to effectively engaging with your audience, it is time to break the status quo. Let us bury the wall-of-text posters and embrace graphical abstracts.

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