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Instructions for Authors SCOPE Medical Writing, the official journal of EMWA (the European Medical Writers Association), is a quarterly journal that aims to educate, inform, and entertain medical writers. Medical Writing publishes themed issues…
Many pharmaceutical and medical device companies are making huge environmental, social, and governance (ESG) commitments, such as striving to achieve carbon neutrality, and aiming to reach diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) goals. In order to…
The EU Clinical Trials Regulation and its much-anticipated benefits: Foreword from the European Medicines Agency The year 2022 signalled the beginning of a new way of handling clinical trials in Europe, with the implementation of the EU Clinical…
Ahmad Nazzal defines biotechnology as, “a field of science that involves using living organisms and organic substances to create or modify environments, produce goods, or improve human health.” Biotechnology is a vast topic and can be defined by…
Section Editor: Evguenia Alechine I’m glad to be sharing the work of a rising star in the medical writing and science communication world. On this occasion, I had the pleasure of working with Valentina Torres Monserrat, who has a degree in…
This is the first Medical Writing Biotechnology regular section. Biotechnology is a broad subject. It can be defined by the use of biological systems and living organisms in production processes. Biotechnology has been around for thousands of years.…
This Medical Writing issue focuses on the crucial role of medical writing and communications in biotechnology and product development in healthcare. In the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, biotechnology uses biological systems and…
An environmental risk assessment (ERA) is the process of evaluating the effects of drugs for human use on the environment. ERAs must accompany all new drug market authorisations in Europe. In this article, we discuss the current guidelines on ERAs…
Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR)-Cas9 is a genome editing tool that helps scientists modify the DNA of living organisms selectively and precisely. The discovery of this system has led to changes in the approaches to…
Medical Writing is a quarterly publication that aims to educate and inform medical writers in Europe and beyond. Each issue focuses on a specific theme, and all issues include feature articles and regular columns on topics relevant to the practice of medical writing. We welcome articles providing practical advice to medical writers; guidelines and reviews/summaries/updates of guidelines published elsewhere; original research; opinion pieces; interviews; and review articles.
Medical Writing is listed in the following indexes:
Managing Editor
Victoria White
Deputy Managing Editor
Alicia Brooks Waltman
Associate Editors
Section Editors
Digital Communication
Gained in Translation
Getting Your Foot in the Door
Good Writing Practice
Pablo Izquierdo / Alison McIntosh
In the Bookstores
Medical Communications/Writing for Patients
Medical Devices
My First Medical Writing
News from the EMA
Regulatory Matters
Regulatory Public Disclosure
Louisa Ludwig-Begall / Sarah Kabani
The Crofter: Sustainable Communications
Veterinary Writing
Editors Emeritus
Layout Designer
Chris Monk