Medical Writing Search


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Showing results 31 to 40.

The COVID-19 pandemic as a catalyst for digitalisation and remote working in Germany - Volume 31, Issue

Remote working is ideal for medical writers, but up until a few years ago, was not widely available to those looking for a remote position with a German employer. Even though Germany is a developed country, its digitalisation has long been lagging,…

The grass is always greener on the other side - Volume 28, Issue

This article is a short personal piece that attempts to explore the circumstances and triggers behind moving from employment to the freelance world and back again. It highlights some pitfalls and high points along the way and illustrates the pros…

The new PubMed – underestimated regulatory obstacles - Volume 29, Issue

NCBI´s PubMed is a powerful literature retrieval tool widely utilised in many areas including science and regulatory affairs. In regulatory affairs, PubMed searches are employed to identify clinical evidence pertinent to product approval…

Harold Swanberg, MD: Why and how EMWA should remember him - Volume 32, Issue

Before the European Medical Writers Association (EMWA) and the American Medical Writers Association (AMWA), there was the Mississippi Valley Medical Editors Association (MVMEA). Most medical writers are unaware of the history of MVMEA and of how it…

The need for community: The importance of networking as a freelance medical writer - Volume 32, Issue

Community and networking activity can really help when you are a freelancer. Who do you turn to when it all gets too much? Can someone, anyone, who understands your challenges, offer a sympathetic ear and help to work out a solution? Where do…

Beyond limits – Leading at the Edge - Volume 30, Issue

Every member of a working group or a team has a defined role, such as that of a leader or a mentor. Although every role has its own distinct definition, a great mentor can be a great leader and vice versa. One of the finest mentor leaders, explorer…

Out On Our Own - Volume 24, Issue


All of us are aware by now that we can't live without technology and not only at work. With advice, aids, appliances and apps in abundance, we are at the point where we can't see the wood for the trees. Thank goodness we have advice from M…

Value of medical writing: The regulatory writer's perspective - Volume 31, Issue

The American Medical Writers Association formed a working group in 2020 focused on understanding and communicating the value that regulatory medical writers contribute to project teams, companies, and the wider research community. The working…

AMWA – EMWA – ISMPP Joint Position Statement on Predatory Publishing - Volume 28, Issue

The American Medical Writers Association (AMWA), the European Medical Writers Association (EMWA), and the International Society for Medical Publication Professionals (ISMPP) recognise the challenges to scientific publishing being posed by predatory…

Elements of storytelling in medical journalism - Volume 24, Issue

Medical journalists marry the techniques of technical medical writing and storytelling in their work. They need a high-level understanding of the science behind the story, but they must also skilfully employ techniques that draw in readers who may…



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Medical Writing is a quarterly publication that aims to educate and inform medical writers in Europe and beyond. Each issue focuses on a specific theme, and all issues include feature articles and regular columns on topics relevant to the practice of medical writing. We welcome articles providing practical advice to medical writers; guidelines and reviews/summaries/updates of guidelines published elsewhere; original research; opinion pieces; interviews; and review articles.

Medical Writing is listed in the following indexes:

Editoral Board


Raquel Billiones


Evguenia Alechine

Jonathan Pitt

Managing Editor

Victoria White

Deputy Managing Editor

Alicia Brooks Waltman

Associate Editors

Anuradha Alahari

Jennifer Bell

Nicole Bezuidenhout

Claire Chang

Barbara Grossman

Sarah Milner

John Plant

Sampoorna Rappaz

Amy Whereat

Section Editors

Daniela Kamir


Jennifer Bell


Nicole Bezuidenhout 

Digital Communication

Somsuvro Basu

EMWA News 

Ana Sofia Correia 

Gained in Translation

Ivana Turek

Getting Your Foot in the Door

Wendy Kingdom / Amy Whereat

Good Writing Practice

Alison McIntosh 

In the Bookstores

Maria Kołtowska-Häggström

Lingua Franca and Beyond

Maddy Dyer


Lisa Chamberlain-James

Medical Communications/Writing for Patients

Payal Bhatia

Medical Devices

Evguenia Alechine

My First Medical Writing

Anuradha Alahari

News from the EMA

Adriana Rocha


Tiziana von Bruchhausen


Clare ChangZuo Yen Lee 

Regulatory Matters

Sam Hamilton

Regulatory Public Disclosure

Claire Gudex

Teaching Medical Writing

Louisa Ludwig-Begall / Sarah Kabani

The Crofter: Sustainable Communications

Louisa Marcombes

Veterinary Writing

Editors Emeritus

Elise Langdon-Neuner

Phil Leventhal

Layout Designer

Chris Monk