One of the main reasons why the Freelance Business Group (and the whole of EMWA as well) is thriving and growing is because of the number of our members who volunteer to carry out our activities and help in implementing new initiatives. Becoming a Table Leader (TL) at the Freelance Business Forum (FBF) that is held at every EMWA conference is a fantastic opportunity for our freelance members to indulge in and promote networking and interpersonal communication. The TL’s task involves moderating a topic while facilitating and encouraging participation from those at their table. Given that the Table Discussion session is a high-demand event at the FBF and taps a collective response to issues pertaining to the freelancing business, the help rendered by the TLs is of immense value. While TLs are usually senior and experienced freelancers, at the recent conference in Cascais, Portugal, no less than three TLs were new to freelancing and even EMWA. Two of these, Irene Farre and Laura Kehoe, share with us their thoughts on volunteering as TLs at the FBF and their experience with the conference as a whole.
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