Medical Writing Software for Medical Writers Medical Communications

Volume 23, Issue 1 - Software for Medical Writers

Medical Communications


I must admit to feeling very strongly about information that is written for patients – both about the quality and the appropriateness of the information itself, and about how it is communicated. Thankfully, this topic is now enjoying some long overdue attention from the Regulatory Authorities and the Pharmaceutical Industry.

This has led to a plethora of research articles on communication strategies in healthcare, and one would imagine that the vocabulary used would be fairly crucial, and therefore the subject of intense discussion and research. However, as our contributor to this issue, Catherine Richards Golini, points out – very little is known about the influence of vocabulary in this area.

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In this issue of Medical Writing
Message from the President
EMWA social media team
News from the EMA
Taming Microsoft Word®
The secrets of Microsoft Word®. Part I – ‘Find and Replace’ and en-dashes
Organising the review process in Microsoft Word®
Document templates for medical writers
Getting more out of PowerPoint®
Consolidated data analysis and presentation using an open-source add-in for the Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet software
Datavision™ – What do medical writers need to know?
Software for translators
Graphing software for medical writers
A medical writer's must-have software
Zotero: A free and open-source reference manager
Origin and development of English for Medical Purposes. Part I: Research on written medical discourse
Profile: An interview with Karina Ruth Tabacinic on some fundamental concerns of medical translation
A first-timer's perspective on the 2013 EMWA conference in Barcelona
English Grammar and Style
Regulatory Writing
The Webscout
Medical Communications
In the Bookstores
Manuscript Writing
Out On Our Own


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