Medical Writing Writing for Lay Audiences Out On Our Own

Volume 24, Issue 4 - Writing for Lay Audiences

Out On Our Own


In this issue, Satyendra Shenoy, a member of a few years from Mumbai tells us about the tribulations – if not trials – of realising his lifelong ambition to settle in Germany. What eventually made this possible was discovering, as a benchside scientist, how rewarding scientific and medical writing is, which enabled him to set up as a freelancer in Cologne. Although it is relatively easy as an EU citizen to work as a freelance writer in Germany, it is not quite so straightforward for non-EU citizens, and there is no shortage of advice in Satyen's article.

Another new member, Uwe Kollenkirchen, also working as a freelancer after a long career in research, gives us his personal opinion on one of the blocks in the Expert Seminar Series (ESS) introduced at the Dublin Conference in 2015 for experienced colleagues looking for in-depth exploration of topics. Sam Hamilton responds to his comments. The ESS was generally very well received, although both Uwe and Sam – and other attendees – felt that there should be much more opportunity for discussion and questions.

As a new freelancer, Uwe is also acutely aware of the cost of attending conferences and has some interesting comments on the cost effectiveness of attending conferences in an article he prepared based on a questionnaire about conference attendance cost.

A year ago, Janet Davies reported on setting up business as a freelancer in the Azores. In this issue, she takes stock one year on, and things are still looking very positive!

We wish you all the best for 2016 and look forward to seeing you in Munich in May.

Alistair Reeves

Kathryn White



Writing for lay audiences
President's Message
Writing for lay audiences: A challenge for scientists
Patient education accessibility
Legislation and the lay audience: Challenges of communicating benefit and risk in the light of new regulations
Medical writing for two audiences – The RMP public summary
Layperson summaries of clinical trial results: Useful resources in the vacuum of regulatory guidance
Package leaflets for medication in the EU: The possibility of integrating patients’ perspectives in a regulated genre?
What do writers need to know about user testing?
Medical journalism: Another way to write about science
Elements of storytelling in medical journalism
A stroll through the medical blogosphere
Writing narrative style literature reviews
News from the EMA
Profile: An interview with Laura Carolina Collada Ali: On the peculiarities of working for independent research organisations
The Webscout
In the Bookstores
Regulatory Writing
Lingua Franca and Beyond
Gained in Translation
English Grammar and Style
Out On Our Own


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